Locator provided by Longarm-Tech - delighting discerning Longarmers

Be featured on our site:

Hello professional Longarmer - welcome to FindMyLongarmer.com, a lookup Locator to help quilters find you, your skills, and your quilting services. To submit a free listing, have a digital photo of you or one of your quilt projects ready for upload and click the “Submit A Listing” button below. After clicking Submit a Listing you will be directed to the form below - to create a new account you will need to click the sign up link circled in yellow.

You will be directed to a form to create an account, add your contact information, choose types of services you provide to be listed, and upload your profile photo. After your listing is completed and published, please check that everything is accurate, spelled correctly, and that links to websites and Facebook pages operate properly. If not you can click the “edit your existing listing” and make any needed corrections.

Signup form annotated.jpg

Note this is YOUR account, you can edit at any time, change your profile photo, add or delete services offered, or change contact information.

If you currently have a listing and need to edit - click the “edit your existing listing” below the Submit Listing button.

Thanks for sharing your skills and expertise with the Longarm Quilting Community.